Global Tidings: Christmas Traditions Around the World [CURATED ARCHIVE EPISODE]

As we are still on our break, we curated an old episode from December 2022 , exploring how diverse cultures celebrate Christmas globally.

Join us as we learn about the origins of Christmas and why it's celebrated worldwide, transcending religious boundaries. From the history of Advent calendars to fun traditions like hiding a Christmas pickle, we explore how families in Catalonia, Japan, the Czech Republic, and Iceland add their uniqueness and charm to the festive season.

As we wrap up, we invite you to join the Culture Kids community in spreading love and warmth during this season. And don't miss out on some fun Christmas jokes to add a dash of laughter to your holiday celebrations:)

Please stay tuned as we return on January 6th with fresh new content!

Birthday shoutouts:


Instagram: @culturekidsmedia